Recent Updates

My recent posts are all from the travels in the past year. When I started my travels I had fully intended to chronicle my travels as I go but that plan went quickly to the trash; especially when I left Europe and travels got more stressful. At times I did a really good job at writing down my notes and feelings about an adventure to later document. However for most locations I am relying on pictures to jog my memory and some memories come back fast, some very slow, and some not at all. Between the heavy mental work and the amount of photo editing needed it is taking me long to push out my posts (I took some terrible photos along the way for someone who calls herself a recreational photographer). Now on top of it all, I am sick.

I suspect COVID19 but I am waiting my test results. I have barely left the house in months. I arrived back to the USA on March 1 before everything started shutting down here. I got to hang out with one or two friends when I got back and then everything has been on quarantine shutdown since. They are loosening restrictions where I live but I am too scared to really go back to normal and it turns out I may be right because I have been fighting a fever for 4 days now.

I have a friend who invited me on her Galapagos trip later this year and I really want to go but I think it will have to wait (ended up dropping this from my sabbatical itinerary due to time).

My return to the USA was fortunate timing. I actually came back because I had three things to finalize before I could travel again: one is complete, one will be complete by July, but the other is up in the air due to covid closures. I would really like to travel again but not until it is safe and I have my business things taken care of.

For now I will just continue to write about my past travels. I may start mixing up the timeline and countries a bit because I am getting kind of bored documenting my travels in chronological order.

For those who are following, thanks for your patience.

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