Overnight Oats Failure

I make overnight oats one or two times a month. I usually make a batch that includes 1 cup of dry oats and it lasts me a few days. We have only been keeping Steel Cut Oats in the household lately. I had a craving for overnight oats so decided to give it a go with the steel cut oats. What I found is that the steel cut oats do not soak up the moisture like the rolled oats. The end result was a chewy mess. Recipes online say to heat up the oats before serving to make them smoother. I tried heating them but it still was not smooth as I like it and I prefer my oats cold. Additionally you lose the benefits from the active cultures in the yogurt when you heat them. Next time I will pre-cook the steel cut oat or use rolled oats again.

Spring Broccoli

We are definitely having an unseasonably cold spring because we came back from vacation and there is still broccoli growing, and with no flowers in site.

It is starting to warm now; and bugs are returning; but I am interested to know what other surprises will occur while we continue through spring.

Ladybugs dig dill

I was out collecting dill seeds this afternoon and a noticed a lady bug chowing down on some pests on my dying dill plant. I spent ten minutes taking photos and all I got was these two blurry ones. The lady was like “chill out iPhone paparazzi” and then flew away. I like the photo with the big white eyes staring me down. Also below is a photo of some of the seeds collected.