Tomato time

I purchased this tomato plant from Palmer’s Garden & Goods sometime last fall. I realized that the sun pattern changes in the winter and this garden gets very little sun. Fortunately this tomato plant hung in there. Now it is happy and getting its sun; and we are getting our tomatoes. I only had to spray for caterpillars once so far.

Below are seedlings for the next generation of tomatoes. I am not sure they will be ready in time to beat the summer heat. Only time will tell.

Kale Chips

It has been a while since we have attempted to make kale chips. We had an abundance of kale so I decided to take a stab at it.
I loosely followed this recipe.
They were crunchy fun but only lasted a few minutes. I guess next time larger batches are needed.
Note: Check on your kale while it is cooking, mine only required 25 minutes to be fully crunchy.