2021 Update

Its hard to believe now that a little over two years ago I embarked on a journey of a lifetime. Even harder to believe that I have not visited a foreign country since that trip when in the past it was typical for me to go on at least one international trip a year.

There is one big excuse (COVID-19) but I do notice more and more people are traveling now – and they seem to be traveling safely. I have yet to take the plunge myself; I am still not comfortable doing so. Living in the USA I come from a place of privilege where vaccinations are widely available and I still feel like traveling internationally puts other countries unduly at risk. I have wavered a bit on this and had some false starts with trip planning but always found myself relieved when my travel plans fell through.

I miss traveling dearly and long to be wandering around streets where the sounds are all foreign or hiking in a land where all I hear are sounds of animals that I am unable to identify.

Who knows when I will be abroad again…..it may be a spur of the moment trip soon….well maybe not that soon since I am in the process of renewing my passport. But for now I am settled in my hometown. I am reconnecting with friends, family, and trying to regain my emotional center after major life changes the last few years.

For those of you fortunate enough to travel right now, enjoy and please be safe. Hopefully I can join you soon.